Team Size: 1-2
- Coordinate management of registration desk during the conference, including:
- Distributing badges
- Answering questions (aka being an Information Desk)
- Ensure registration desk is staffed at all times as defined in volunteer signup spreadsheet
- Ensuring registration desk is supplied with standard office supplies
People will line up to check in about 15-30 minutes prior to the posted "open" time on the first talks day.
The tutorials day acts as a "dry run" for the first conference day.
The first day of talks is the busiest day for registration.
Before the conference
- Determine which events will use the DjangoCon US registration system
- Determine which events will use something else (like Eventbrite)
- Determine this year's conference prices
- Update the registration pages with prices
- Make sure the registration system supports Unicode characters
- Make the registration page "looks" better
- Add a registration FAQ to the registration menu
- Help answer misc emails to the registration mailing list
At the conference
- Know which tutorials have space available and be prepared to register people onsite
- Have a printout of the registered attendees
- Sort badges alphabetically
- As attendees check in, cross them off the list, give them their badge, and have them take a lanyard
- Distribute swag bags
- Distribute t-shirts
- Coordinate t-shirt size swap
- Ensure registration desk is sufficiently staffed at all times
- Have basic knowledge of the venue (to answer questions about where things are)
- Have Code of Conduct contact information in case people need to contact the Code of Conduct team