Special Events
Special Events
All of these are optional.
Welcome Reception
- Cost: Free if sponsored, $5,000-10,000 if not
- Schedule on the evening of the first talks day
- Can be sponsored by one or more sponsors, or can be hosted by the main conference.
- Add the event to the schedule and promote it
- We require that the event not provide free alcohol, but it can be held in a place where people can purchase their own alcoholic beveraes
- We ask that light appetizers be served
- We ask that the event be held in a place where consumption of alcohol isn't the main activity (bowling alley, arcade, mini golf, etc.)
- Expected attendance: about 70% of the attendees
- Recruit sponsor
- Book venue
- Book food and drink (ensure a variety of non-alcoholic offerings, and food)
- Add to website
- Tweet and blog about opening reception
- Tweet thanks
Speaker Dinner
- Cost: Free if sponsored; varies depending on event type otherwise
- Schedule on the evening of the tutorials day, or the second or third talks day (to not conflict with opening reception)
- Same rules as welcome reception with regard to venue, alcohol
- Invite tutorial presenters, keynote speakers, speakers, panelists and panel moderators, organizers
- Expected attendance: 85-90% of the invitees
Board Game Night
- Cost: usually free, or the cost of an extra meeting room for a few hours
- Book an extra room at the venue on the second or third evening of the conference from when the last talk ends to 9:00 or 10:00 pm
- Add to conference schedule and publicize
- People bring their own board games; this is a self-managing event for the most part.
Django Girls Workshop
- Cost: Free for the conference, unless we choose to sponsor
- Expected attendance: 40-50 attendees, 10-15 coaches
- Is organized by a local team with separate sponsorship and separate budgets from the main conference, but coordinates with the main conference so we can help if possible.
- May be able to use same venue as the conference or piggyback on our food order; this is very budget-dependent.
- May use an entirely different venue and catering, but cross-promote with our conference
- Explore offering deeply discounted or free conference tickets to workshop attendees; historically, only a small percentage of workshop attendees wish to attend the full conference, so this is generally not a large cost