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CoC - Response to Code of Conduct Report

Code of Conduct - Response to Code of Conduct Report

Subject: Thank you for reporting

This template shouldn't be just copied and pasted. Every Code of Conduct incident is unique and should be handled sensitively and compassionately, and not with a form letter. This example exists to provide you with some useful wording in the unfortunate event that you need to respond to a Code of Conduct violation because coming up with the right words when you know someone has been hurt can be difficult. But again, please don't treat this example as a fill-in-the-blank form letter. Treat this example as a jumping-off point from which you can craft the right response to someone who has trusted you by reporting a Code of Conduct violation.

Dear [name],

Thank you for contacting us. We take every complaint seriously and we appreciate your trust by contacting us. I wrote up a report tonight and submitted it to our CoC committee.

I [have taken XYZ action], and [there was ABC result]. Essentially, [summary which maintains confidentiality].

I want to assure you that [attendee who violated the CoC] will [not be back to the conference/not contact you for the remainder of the conference/other].

I'm sorry that this happened, and I would like to thank you for letting us know.


[Your name]

[Your title], DjangoCon US [year]